The most massive and densest exoplanet upto date is a world known as COROT exo 3B. It is about the size of Jupiter and about 25 times that planets mass. This makes COROT exo 3B about twice as dense as lead. The degree of pressure put upon a human walking te surface of a such a planet would be unreal with a mass 25 times that of Jupiter, a human would weigh almost 50 times what they weigh on our planet earth. That amount of pressure would completely crush a human being skeletal system in an instant. It would literally be the equivalent of an elephant sitting in your chest.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
CAROT exo 3B
The most massive and densest exoplanet upto date is a world known as COROT exo 3B. It is about the size of Jupiter and about 25 times that planets mass. This makes COROT exo 3B about twice as dense as lead. The degree of pressure put upon a human walking te surface of a such a planet would be unreal with a mass 25 times that of Jupiter, a human would weigh almost 50 times what they weigh on our planet earth. That amount of pressure would completely crush a human being skeletal system in an instant. It would literally be the equivalent of an elephant sitting in your chest.
The same side is always facing the star and the other side is always in shadows, where temperature can drop to minus 350 f (minus 2'0 c). This rocky planet may be the left over core of a former gas giant whose atmosphere evaporated a long time ago. If so, it would be the first kind of this type of planet.
Friday, 6 January 2017
Kepler 438b
470 light years away is a planet discovered but the Kepler space observatory known as "Kepler 438b". This planet is very strange not because it has any extreme features, but the opposite because it is, to date the most earth like planet we have ever found. The earth similarity indeed is a standard measure of how similar to earth another planet is with a score of being identical to earth in every way and 0 being nothing like earth. Kepler-438 boasts an impressive earth similarity index of 0.88 making Kepler 438 super rare, and very special discovered in January 2015, this planet has all the right pre-requisite for alien life most importantly it is a rocky world, like earth and its proximity to its last star puts it in what scientists call the Goldilocks zone which is the holy grail of space exploration. The Goldilocks zone is when a planet is not too close to its parent star that it's too hot for life, yet not too far away that it's too cold water is essential to life, where there's water, there's probably life, but in order to have complex life there has to be a liquid water, which most of the time can only occur in the Goldilocks zone
Hd 188753AB first world with triple sunset
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Triple sunset on hd188753ab |
You may remember that Luke sky walker's home planet of tatooine in Star Wars had two stars but as if often the case, red life can be much more amazing than science fiction, 149 light years from Earth is a planet with not one bit two but three "stars" this three star planet which goes by its catalogue name of hd 188753ab, sits within the triple star system hd 188753ab. If you could live in this planet you would experience triple shadows, and constant eclipse as it's three parent stars cross each other's. Paths andof course you would see some of the strangest and most beautiful sunsets and sunrises in the universe.
Thursday, 5 January 2017
J1407 b is located four hundred light years away from earth and those planatery rings that are 200 times bigger than the rings of Saturn scientist don't completely understand how this strange planet managed to acquire rings of such an enormous size the rings of j1407b are so so large that if saturns rings were as large they would dominate the earth's sky and appear much larger than a full moon.
Gj1214b The water world
Tuesday, 3 January 2017
Travelling to Gliese 581d
This is Gliese 581d it's a large rocky earth like planet the nearest known it just possible that this world or one like it could in the future become home to the human race a second century against the unforgiving blackness of space. Discovered in 2007 it seven times bigger tha earth It orbits a star smaller and redder than our own it lies just the right distance from its sun to allow water to exist on the surface but even if this is the perfect home away from home there is a fundamental problem we have to over come Gliese is a very very long way away more than 20 light years that's 120,000,000,000,000 miles to get some idea of this extraordinary distance then the challenge it presents I'm going to imagine that we could hitch a ride on the fastest man-made object in existence voyager 1 was launched in 1977 now over 30 years old it's Travelled more than 13,000,000 miles its mission so far has taken it to Jupiter and Saturn by using their gravity to boost the speed little spacecraft has entered the record it might not look fast but voyager is racing through space at 11 miles a second on Earth 11 miles a second looks like 39,000 miles an hour at this speed we could circle the globe one an a half times in an hour so how long would it take a space shot travelling at voyager speed to get to the nearest earth like planet Gliese the answer reveals the true scale of the cosmos even travelling 11 miles a second the journey to Gliese would still take over 350 thousand years I think we have a chance to become a lasting part of the ever changing universe and discover what other wonders it might hold but to do this we have to developed a new technology on the enormous scale and that's going to take some serious engineering if we could build a machine capable of travelling to other solar systems we'd open up a fascinating possibility the survival of the human race billions of years present day engineers have begun thinking about the principles of building such a ship, it could use atomic energy or perhaps more exotic fuels such as antimatter supplying it with enormous amounts of power yet I think the main challenges won't be technical the first will be finincial the cost of constructing an interstellar spacecraft would be huge and for the society that made it there would be little payback they would never see It again
So constructing this greater machine will either be the greatest act of generosity in history or it will have to be funded by the travelling themselves and that raises the the second problem even if it could travel the mind numbingly fast say a thousand times faster than voyager 11,000 miles a second, a journey to the nearest Star system will still take "seventy three" years
Monday, 2 January 2017
Hottest planet ever wasp 12b
The hottest known planet in the Milky Way galaxy may also be its shortest-lived world. The doomed planet is being eaten by its parent star, according to observations made by a new instrument on NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). The planet may only have another 10 million years left before it is completely devoured.
The planet, called WASP-12b, is so close to its sunlike star that it is superheated to nearly 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit and stretched into a football shape by enormous tidal forces. The atmosphere has ballooned to nearly three times Jupiter's radius and is spilling material onto the star. The planet is 40 percent more massive than Jupiter.
This effect of matter exchange between two stellar objects is commonly seen in close binary star systems, but this is the first time it has been seen so clearly for a planet.
"We see a huge cloud of material around the planet, which is escaping and will be captured by the star. We have identified chemical elements never before seen on planets outside our own solar system," says team leader Carole Haswell of The Open University in Great Britain.
Haswell and her science team's results were published in the May 10, 2010 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
A theoretical paper published in the science journal Nature last February by Shu-lin Li of the Department of Astronomy at the Peking University, Beijing, first predicted that the planet's surface would be distorted by the star's gravity, and that gravitational tidal forces make the interior so hot that it greatly expands the planet's outer atmosphere. Now Hubble has confirmed this prediction.
WASP-12 is a yellow dwarf star located approximately 600 light-years away in the winter constellation Auriga. The exoplanet was discovered by the United Kingdom's Wide Area Search for Planets (WASP) in 2008. The automated survey looks for the periodic dimming of stars from planets passing in front of them, an effect called transiting. The hot planet is so close to the star it completes an orbit in 1.1 days.
The unprecedented ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity of COS enabled measurements of the dimming of the parent star's light as the planet passed in front of the star. These UV spectral observations showed that absorption lines from aluminum, tin, manganese, among other elements, became more pronounced as the planet transited the star, meaning that these elements exist in the planet's atmosphere as well as the star's. The fact the COS could detect these features on a planet offers strong evidence that the planet's atmosphere is greatly extended because it is so hot.
The UV spectroscopy was also used to calculate a light curve to precisely show just how much of the star's light is blocked out during transit. The depth of the light curve allowed the COS team to accurately calculate the planet's radius. They found that the UV-absorbing exosphere is much more extended than that of a normal planet that is 1.4 times Jupiter's mass. It is so extended that the planet's radius exceeds its Roche lobe, the gravitational boundary beyond which material would be lost forever from the planet's atmosphere.
The planet, called WASP-12b, is so close to its sunlike star that it is superheated to nearly 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit and stretched into a football shape by enormous tidal forces. The atmosphere has ballooned to nearly three times Jupiter's radius and is spilling material onto the star. The planet is 40 percent more massive than Jupiter.
This effect of matter exchange between two stellar objects is commonly seen in close binary star systems, but this is the first time it has been seen so clearly for a planet.
"We see a huge cloud of material around the planet, which is escaping and will be captured by the star. We have identified chemical elements never before seen on planets outside our own solar system," says team leader Carole Haswell of The Open University in Great Britain.
Haswell and her science team's results were published in the May 10, 2010 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
A theoretical paper published in the science journal Nature last February by Shu-lin Li of the Department of Astronomy at the Peking University, Beijing, first predicted that the planet's surface would be distorted by the star's gravity, and that gravitational tidal forces make the interior so hot that it greatly expands the planet's outer atmosphere. Now Hubble has confirmed this prediction.
WASP-12 is a yellow dwarf star located approximately 600 light-years away in the winter constellation Auriga. The exoplanet was discovered by the United Kingdom's Wide Area Search for Planets (WASP) in 2008. The automated survey looks for the periodic dimming of stars from planets passing in front of them, an effect called transiting. The hot planet is so close to the star it completes an orbit in 1.1 days.
The unprecedented ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity of COS enabled measurements of the dimming of the parent star's light as the planet passed in front of the star. These UV spectral observations showed that absorption lines from aluminum, tin, manganese, among other elements, became more pronounced as the planet transited the star, meaning that these elements exist in the planet's atmosphere as well as the star's. The fact the COS could detect these features on a planet offers strong evidence that the planet's atmosphere is greatly extended because it is so hot.
The UV spectroscopy was also used to calculate a light curve to precisely show just how much of the star's light is blocked out during transit. The depth of the light curve allowed the COS team to accurately calculate the planet's radius. They found that the UV-absorbing exosphere is much more extended than that of a normal planet that is 1.4 times Jupiter's mass. It is so extended that the planet's radius exceeds its Roche lobe, the gravitational boundary beyond which material would be lost forever from the planet's atmosphere.
4. Hd 189733b
There's a "blue marble" alien planet just 63 light-years from Earth, but the world is anything but friendly to life. Researchers say the blue color in the atmosphere likely comes from a rain of molten glass.
This super hot glass rain is just one consequence of the close proximity between the gas giant alien planet Hd 189733b and its sun. which causes daytime temperatures to soar as high as 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit (930 degrees Celsius), scientists said.
A fresh set of observations of the planet in X-rays also suggest HD189733b has an outer atmosphere that is far larger than expected.
These surprise finds are all signals that so-called hot Jupiter alien planets are worthy of study on their own, even though they are hostile planets to life, researchers said.
The planet of burning ice.
3. Gliese 436b
Gliese 436b, or the Planet of Burning Ice, is one of the most exotic contradictions within the realm of human knowledge, for it is known to literally be a planet coated by flaming ice! However, this apparent contradiction is not entirely unfounded- the planet Gliese 436 b has been placed in certain circumstances that make this seemingly impossible scenario a reality- a wondrous, extraordinary reality.
Gliese 436 b is known to be one of the smallest exoplanets (planets that exist outside the solar system), with a mass and radius very close to those of Neptune, as was discovered by R. Paul butler and Geoffrey Marcy in 2004. Moreover, it is at an astonishingly close distance from the star around which it revolves, at approximately 2.5 million miles. Although this may seem like a vast distance, let’s put these elusive numbers into perspective- Mercury, the closest planet to our sun that wields temperatures scorching enough to melt lead, is almost 36 million miles from the sun. The Planet of Burning Ice orbits a red-dwarf starlessless luminous than our star, called gliese 436, which can be viewed in the zodiac constellation Leo. The fact that Gliese 436 b is located so close to its star is buttressed by the observation that it completes a whole revolution in only 2 days and 15.5 hours. So, the surface temperature of this exoplanet is around 439 degrees Celsius . But the boiling point of water is 100 degrees C. So how does this puzzle of “ignited ice” even exist?
Firstly, scientists determined that forms of water are found on Gliese 436 b on taking into account its radius, mass and location. For instance, had this celestial body been primarily composed of gases like hydrogen and helium, its radius would have been similar to that of Jupiter, if not larger. Moreover, if its main constituents were solid forms of rock and metal, its size would have been comparable to those of Earth, Venus and Mars. It was once posited that the planet was originally a massive gas giant, and that its proximity to its star may be due to inward migration that resulted in the ejection of the outer layers of hydrogen by the star Gliese 436, thus reducing the perplexing, fiery ice cube to its current size. However, this theory was disproved once the radius of Gliese 436 b became known, and it was understood that layers of hydrogen and helium were needed for its planetary radius to be akin to that of Neptune.
It has been concluded by scientists and astronomers that there is a certain form of ice existent on Gliese 436 b that is kept solid due to the immense gravitational force originating from the planet’s core, which intensifies with increases in depth, thereby preventing the water from evaporating as it does on Earth. There are many different states of water, rather than the three forms we are aware of, and the water on the Planet of Burning Ice is subjected to conditions that make it much denser than the familiar ice seen on earth. It has been hypothesized that the state of water on this planet is Ice 7, a cubic, crystalline form of ice that has been manufactured in laboratories. So, just as carbon turns to diamond when exposed to massive amounts of temperature and pressure, the water on Gliese 436 b turns to “burning ice”, consequently becoming one of the most fascinating heavenly bodies humanity is cognizant of.
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